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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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Ministry of Finance

Sede Electrónica Central

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SIA CODE: 991708

Shipping company tax tonnage regime.

Application of the Regime of Shipping Companies based on Tonnage according to which the entities covered by such regime will be able to pay the taxes for the income resulting from the operation of ships both own and leased ships by applying an objective estimate regime. In general terms, this regime determines the tax base to be applied to the operation, ownership or technical and crew management of ships that meet certain requirements, by applying the scale established by the Corporate Tax Act to the net registered tonnage of each of those ships.

Body responsible: Directorate-General for Taxation


  • Business


  • After filing of the application by the entity, the relevant body examines it and issues a reasoned decision.

What will you need to complete the process


  • Electronic DNI

  • Digital certificate


  • Nombre: Escritura de apoderamiento o poder de representación

    Tipo: Común

    Emisor: Estatal

    Obligatorio: Sí

    Intermediado: Sí

  • Nombre: Escrituras de constitucion/estatuto de sociedades o documento equivalente que acredite la personalidad jurídica

    Tipo: Común

    Emisor: Estatal

    Obligatorio: Sí

    Intermediado: No

  • Nombre: The application should be accompanied by: the articles of association of the company, certificate of entry in the Register of Vessels, identification and description of activities, accreditation of territorial scope within which its operation will take pl

    Tipo: Documentación particular del interesado

    Obligatorio: No

    Intermediado: No

Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)


  • Electronic notification by means of Enabled E-mail Address

Taxes and/or fees: No

Extra information about the procedure

Way to start: Interesado

  • Silent mode: Negative

Procedure stage:

  • After filing of the application by the entity, the relevant body examines it and issues a reasoned decision.

Time frame for resolution: 3 Month(s)

End via: No

Resolving agency:

  • Directorate General of Taxation.


  • An appeal for reversal may be lodged before the Directorate-General for Taxation within 1 month of the day following notification of the proceeding for which reversal is applied or the economic-administrative claim before the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC)


Basic provisions

  • Artículos 50 a 52 del Reglamento del Impuesto sobre Sociedades, aprobado por el Real Decreto 1777/2004, de 30 de julio

  • Artículos 113 a 117 de la Ley 27/2014, de 27 de noviembre, del Impuesto sobre Sociedades