Verification system for the certificates of the electronic office
In accordance with article 11.2 (d) of Royal Decree 203/2021, of 30 March, approving the Regulations and functioning of the public sector through electronic means, every electronic office shall have a verification system for the certificates of the electronic office.
Article 16 of the aforementioned Royal Decree establishes that the General State Administration shall have a platform for the verification of the validity and the content of the qualified certificates admitted in the public sector. The system must allow this verification to be carried out freely and free of charge for the public sector.
The validity of the certificate of the Central Online Office of this Ministry can be validated directly, free of charge, through the VALIDe platform.
The purpose of the certificates is to ensure that citizens' relations with public administrations are carried out through a secure channel and a recognised public office, and do not permit malicious intrusions by third parties.