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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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Ministry of Finance

Sede Electrónica Central

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SIA CODE: 991962

Written tax enquiries

Answering of enquiries submitted by taxpayers liable to the tax regime, classification or rating that may correspond to them in each case.

Body responsible: Directorate-General for Taxation


  • Citizen

  • Business


  • Any of the Registries and Offices referred to in Article 16 of Law 39/2015

What will you need to complete the process


  • Electronic DNI

  • Digital certificate


  • Nombre: Escritura de apoderamiento o poder de representación

    Tipo: Común

    Emisor: Estatal

    Obligatorio: Sí

    Intermediado: Sí

  • Nombre: Enquiries should be made by taxpayers or, as the case may be, by liable parties by means of written communication addressed to the body responsible for answering, duly documented with regard to the tax regime, classification or rating which in.. ...

    Tipo: Documentación particular del interesado

    Obligatorio: No

    Intermediado: No

Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)


  • Postal

  • Electronic notification by means of Enabled E-mail Address

Taxes and/or fees: No

Extra information about the procedure

Way to start: Interesado

  • Silent mode: None

Procedure stage:

  • Once the enquiry is received at the relevant body for answering, it is examined to see if it meets the legally established requirements for its processing as such, in which case the answer is duly prepared.

Time frame for resolution: 6 Month(s)

End via: No

Resolving agency:

  • Directorate General of Taxation.


  • The answer to tax enquiries in writing shall be of an informative nature and the party liable for the tax may not lodge any appeal against such an answer. He/she may do so against the administrative act or acts that may be issued subsequently. . .


Basic provisions

  • Artículos 88 y 89 de la Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria