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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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Ministry of Finance

Sede Electrónica Central

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SIA CODE: 991867

Competitions to fill job vacancies announced by the Department for civil service.

This includes the submission of the duly completed application form and the annex reflecting the positions applied for in the merit-based competitions for civil servants organised by the Department.

Body responsible: Under-secretariat of Finance


  • Citizen


  • Electronic registry of the Ministry: application and annex for positions and other documentation required in the announcement, in pdf format.

What will you need to complete the process


  • Electronic DNI

  • Digital certificate


  • Nombre: That required in the announcement published in the Official State Gazette

    Tipo: Documentación particular del interesado

    Obligatorio: No

    Intermediado: No

Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)


  • Publication for notification purposes

Taxes and/or fees:

Extra information about the procedure

Way to start: Interesado

  • Silent mode: None

Procedure stage:

  • Once the respective announcement has been published, applications should be submitted within 15 calendar days calculated as of the day following the presentation of the announcement.

Time frame for resolution: 4 Month(s)

End via: Si

Resolving agency:

  • The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, P.D. (Order HAP/1335/2012, of 14 June), the Under Secretariat for Finance and Public Administrations.


  • Against the Orders of Summons and Resolution, optionally, appeal for reversal within one month as of the day after publication, to the same agency dictating it.

  • Against the Orders of Summons and Resolution, administrative appeal within two months to the Appeal Courts (Law 30/1992, of 26 November RJAP and PAC and Law 29/1998, of 13 July Regulating Appeal Jurisdiction).

For more information, please go to:

  • Correo:


Basic provisions

  • Orden de convocatoria.

  • R.D.364/1995, de 10 de marzo por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Ingreso del Personal al Servicio de la Administración General del Estado y de Provisión de Puestos de Trabajo y Promoción Profesional de los Funcionarios civiles de la A.G.E.