SIA CODE: 2404766
Fund to support the solvency of strategic companies.
Regulates the procedure for the processing and resolution of applications for temporary public support under the Fund to support the solvency of strategic companies, created by Article 2 of Real Decreto-ley 25/2020, of July 3, on urgent measures to support economic reactivation and employment.
Body responsible: Spanish society of Industrial Participations
Electronic site of SEPI
The Management Council of the Support Fund has drafted a Guide to applying for temporary public aid from the Strategic Companies Solvency Support Fund, depending on the eligibility requirements and conditions established by the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, dated 21 July 2020.
Before presenting their appplication, relevant companies may avail of the advance information on the nature and type of these temporary public grants (Annex 0 of the GUIDE).
Start: The process begins with the online application by the relevant company –that, among other requirements, may not be a financial association-, by filling out the form enclosed in
Annex I, Application for temporary public aid from the Support Fund, in the "GUIDE"
The aid application must be accompanied by the following documentation included in the GUIDE:
- Annex II (statement of compliance that the company is not subject to any of the prohibitions that would make it ineligible for the grant).
- Annex III (Medium and long-term viability plan of the company).
- Annex IV (statement of compliance with certain eligibility conditions established to receive the grant).
The application must clearly state the facts, reasons and requests that demonstrate that it is a reasonable and legitimate petition. The award of the public grant is subject to the fulfilment of certain general conditions and criteria listed in Sections 1 and 2 of Annex II of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, dated 21 July 2020.
- Processing: The SEPI is responsible for processing and evaluating the submitted applications, prior to their approval by the Management Council of the Support Fund
Resolution: It is the remit of the Management Council of the Support Fund. The authorisation of the Council of Ministers shall be required if the grant application is approved. Applications shall be processed within a maximum of six months from their presentation. The lack of communication after this period shall signify the rejection of the application. The resolutions of the Management Council conclude the administrative proceedings, against which a contentious-administrative appeal may be made
(Article 2, Sections 6 and 7, of Royal Decree-Act 25/2020, of 3 July, on urgent measures to support the reactivation of the economy and employment)
The awarding and disbursal of the grant is conditional upon the approval by the relevant company body of the Temporary Public Financial Support Agreement and the Shareholders’ Agreement, or when applicable, of the Management Agreement with the Company established in the Management Council’s resolution (Section 1.2 of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers).
All SEPI communications and notifications shall be made through the Notific@ platform, through the Citizens’ Folder when a notice of availability is received by email.
- For any information on this procedure, please contact:
- For technical problems that affect the General Electronic Registry (REC in Spanish), please contact: :
Help with the procedure
Forms for the procedure
Electronic DNI
Digital certificate
Clave PIN
Name: Modelo de declaración responsable de no hallarse incursa en ninguna de las prohibiciones para obtener la condición de beneficiario, previstas en el apartado 2 del Anexo II del acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 21 de julio de 2020.
Type: Documentación particular del interesado
Compulsory: No
Mediated: No
Name: Modelo de declaración responsable de Plan de Viabilidad.
Type: Documentación particular del interesado
Compulsory: No
Mediated: No
Name: Modelo de declaración responsable relativa a la concurrencia de determinadas condiciones de elegibilidad de las empresas beneficiarias
Type: Documentación particular del interesado
Compulsory: No
Mediated: No
Forms:Sí (Consultar Formularios para la tramitación)
Electronic notification by means of Electronic Submission
Taxes and/or fees: No
Way to start: Interesado
Silent mode: Negative
Procedure stage:
Prior request for information. Submission of an application for assistance from the solvency fund.
Acts and formalities necessary for the issuance of the Resolution by the Fund's managing body.
Resolution of the request for assistance.
Time frame for resolution: Month(s)
End via: Si
Resolving agency:
Fund Management Board
Litigation-administrative Law
Basic provisions
Orden PCM/679/2020, de 23 de julio, por la que se publica el Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 21 de julio de 2020, por el que se establece el funcionamiento del Fondo de apoyo a la solvencia de empresas estratégicas.
Real Decreto-ley 25/2020, de 3 de julio, de medidas urgentes para apoyar la reactivación económica y el empleo