SIA CODE: 1161247
Disciplinary procedure of public servants of the General State Administration
Determine the liability of public servants who may be involved in conducts constituting disciplinary offences.
Body responsible: Under-secretariat of Finance
"By electronic means through the Central Electronic Office
Help with the procedure
Forms for the procedure
Electronic DNI
Digital certificate
Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)
Electronic notification by means of Electronic Submission
Taxes and/or fees: No
Way to start: Oficio
Silent mode: Expiry
Procedure stage:
"Initiation by Directors General, Government Delegates or Deputy Secretary.
Processing by the General Secretariat on Human Resources
Report of the General Inspectorate.
Resolution by the Deputy Secretary or Minister"
Time frame for resolution: 1 Year(s)
End via: Si
Resolving agency:
Deputy Secretary
Discretionary appeal for reversal before the one who issued the act in the term of 1 month
Contentious-administrative appeals before Courts and Tribunals within two months
Extraordinary appeal of Review before the one who issued the resolution within 4 years or 3 months according to the cause (assessed reasons)
Basic provisions
Estatuto Básico de los Empleados Públicos (Real Decreto Legislativo 5/2015, de 30 de octubre)
Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público
Reglamento de Régimen Disciplinario de los Funcionarios de la Administración del Estado (Real Decreto 33/1986, de 10 de enero)
Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas