SIA CODE: 772732
Grants for the preparation of selective access tests by internal promotion to special bodies and specialities attached to the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT).
Scholarships for the preparation of selective tests for access by internal promotion to special bodies and specialities attached to the Ministry of Finance and the AEAT.
Body responsible: Under-secretariat of Finance
Official registries and offices set forth in section 16.4 of Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.
Help with the procedure
Forms for the procedure
Electronic DNI
Digital certificate
Clave PIN
Name: As required in the corresponding annual call for applications.
Type: Documentación particular del interesado
Compulsory: No
Mediated: No
Forms:Sí (Consultar Formularios para la tramitación)
Publication for notification purposes
Taxes and/or fees: No
Way to start: Interesado
Silent mode: In accordance with applicable regulations
Procedure stage:
The submittal of applications shall take place within the term of 15 working according to the terms set forth in the Annual Call.
Time frame for resolution: 6 Month(s)
End via:
Resolving agency:
The authority of the Subsecretariat of Finance, by proxy of the Minister.
Against the Resolution of Call for Application and the Resolution of Award, a discretionary appeal for reversal may be lodged before the same decision-making authority within one month from the publication date.
For more information, please go to:
Basic provisions
Resolución de convocatoria anual.
- La Orden HAP/1405/2014, de 24 de julio, por la que se aprueban las bases reguladoras para la concesión de becas para la preparación de las pruebas selectivas de acceso, por el sistema de promoción interna, a los Cuerpos Especiales y especialidades adscritos al Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas y la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (BOE 31/07/2014)