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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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Ministry of Finance

Sede Electrónica Central

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SIA CODE: 687779

Autonomous Communities. Financing Fund for Autonomous Communities.

Processes relating to the Financing Fund for Autonomous Communities. Including: Actions relating to the process of accession of the ACs to the various compartments of the FFAC, which they must apply for within certain deadlines and under certain conditions. Such membership must be approved by the SEH. In the event that an adjustment plan is required, the corresponding activities are carried out to agree and monitor it, including budgetary and debt aspects, debt operations, guarantees and derivatives. Determination by ACDGAE of the amounts of the FFCCAA to be distributed by compartments and by Autonomous Communities according to the financing needs of each of them that can be met by this fund. The SGFAL then informs them of the funding allocated to them in each ACDGAE from the FFCCAA. Provision of the budgetary funds necessary to finance the FFCCAA together with other non-budgetary sources and the issuance of instructions to the ICO to make the appropriate payments to the Autonomous Communities (in accordance with the amounts assigned in the corresponding ACDGAE relating to the FFCCAA), as well as the processing of payments to third parties on behalf of the Autonomous Communities in the area of the FFCCAA. With regard to the ICO's participation, the FFCCAA is instrumented through loan contracts between the State and the Autonomous Communities. Through these contracts, the financial obligations included in the corresponding ACDGAE are met. The formalisation and management of these loans is carried out by the ICO in accordance with the instructions given to it for this purpose. Proposal for the approval and presentation of the annual accounts of FFCCAA. The review and processing of applications from the Autonomous Communities to combine with the financial markets to fund their needs under the Financing Fund for Autonomous Communities.

Body responsible: Secretariat-General for Regional and Local Financing


  • Administration


  • Online and on-site at General Secretariat for Autonomous and Local Authority Financing (SGFAL)

Forms for the procedure

What will you need to complete the process


  • Digital certificate


  • Nombre: Adjustment plans

    Tipo: Documentación particular del interesado

    Obligatorio: No

    Intermediado: No

Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)


  • Publication for notification purposes

Taxes and/or fees: No

Extra information about the procedure

Way to start: Oficio

  • Silent mode: None

Way to start: Interesado

  • Silent mode: None

Procedure stage:

  • The acceptance of the application is the responsibility of the CDGAE, the procedure defined here ends with the proposal.

Time frame for resolution: In accordance with applicable regulations

End via: Si

Resolving agency:

  • It is a proposal to the CDGAE


  • The proposal as such is not subject to appeal. The CDGAE agreements put an end to the administrative procedure

For more information, please go to:


Basic provisions

  • Ley 14/1986, de 25 de abril, General de Sanidad

  • Ley Orgánica 2/2012, de 27 de abril, de Estabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera

  • Orden HAP/2105/2012, de 1 de octubre, por la que se desarrollan las obligaciones de suministro de información prevista en la Ley Orgánica 2/2012 , de 27 de abril, de Estabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera

  • Real Decreto-ley 17/2014