SIA CODE: 991560
Petition Right
Enable citizens to formulate petitions to Public Administrations
Body responsible: Technical General Secretariat
Any of the records referred to in article 16 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities.
- This platform is accessed by using a secure communication channel and, as an essential requirement, you should have an electronic identity card (e-ID) or a recognized X509.3 certificate, based either on a logic carrier (a file) or on a physical carrier (a cryptographic card).
- Access to management of resources, complaints and requests are made using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape 4.72, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 browsers, or more recent versions.
- For any other enquiries regarding the management of the procedure - Finance:
- For technical queries or queries about the content of the website:
- Link to the downloadable form to carry out the procedure in person (PDF approx. 2 MB)
Help with the procedure
Digital certificate
Nombre: Everything considered relevant to make the petition.
Tipo: Documentación particular del interesado
Obligatorio: No
Intermediado: No
Forms:Sí (Ver descarga de impresos)
Electronic notification by means of Electronic Submission
Taxes and/or fees: No
Way to start: Interesado
Silent mode: Negative
Procedure stage:
Pursuant to articles 6 to 11 of Law 4/2001, of 12 November, regulating the right to petition.
Time frame for resolution: 3 Month(s)
End via: Si
Resolving agency:
To whom the petition is addressed.
Administrative appeal Procedure for the protection of the fundamental rights of the individual. To the competent court. 10-day period.
Basic provisions
Artículo 29 de la Constitución Española. Ley Orgánica 4/2001 de 12 de noviembre, reguladora del derecho de petición (BOE nº 272 de 13 de noviembre)